Generating Consent
Question: where does consent come from? After you finish telling me all the spectator commentary, and you've said everything you've been told, heard, or overheard, I'll ask you the same question, over again, because none of those answers everyone gives satisfies anyone. Otherwise, the topic wouldn't be avoided.
Consent is very conditional. It's very extremely contextual. It means, that, if all the "right"(I will list them) conditions are satisfied,then, Consent is present. And, outside of this scenario, no consent is possible.
Before I make the scary True statement, I want to bring in the observation of the Apostle Paul. He had finally finished his parenting, and, he had just finished his socialization(introduction, learning) to love, having lived with the Essene love cult, for a few years, if it was known about love, he had experienced it and identified it.
He made an interesting statement about love. The bad translation, since love has nothing to do with law, he said, "there is no law against love." In other words, he was stating, lawfully, that love is never unlawful.
The law controls for humans to establish consent, prior to having sex, but, there is no law that causes humans to interact consensually, so, the law controls for consensual sex, by controlling against non-consensual sexual involvements.
So, that is the INTENT of law. But, you can't control to guarantee consent, lawfully. But, Jesus said, "I did not come to break the law, but, to fulfill it." So, since you understand, law WANTS human adults to only have consensual sex, when Jesus said he came to fulfill the law, he said he didn't just come to obey it's restrictions, and prohibitions. He came, to do what the law would control for, if law could control for consent.
In other words, Jesus is saying, not only will he obey the commands on what not to do, he will also live in such a way, that EVERYONE CONSENTS to everything that he does. To fulfill the law, means to get consent, and have consent, and never do anything that is not consented to.
And you need to understand, Jesus was making global, universal value statements. He was saying, that, his entire life, not that HE would consent. He Is saying, that he consents, but, he has everyone else's consent too. He is saying, he will have the consent of EVERYONE. Always. In everything. Otherwise, he didn't do it.
So, let's go back to Paul's statements about the lawfullness of love. What Paul is actually stating, is that love is always consensual. He is saying, that, for love, there is ALWAYS consent. So, what new answer do we have, about what creates consent? If you create love, YOU generate consent, or, maybe love creates the consent. If you are love, you have consent to be yourself
If you have the specific love that matches other people's requirements, then, you have their consent. You always will. You always do. If you are their love, you will never experience rejection. You will only experience being valued, appreciated, cherished, and loved, if you are love.
There's a meme, about this new fad word, "manifestation." And, it's an excellent insight into the rape values of people trying to manifest things going through other people. The meme says that you can't bullshit the universe. In other words, you can't manifest consent, if you didn't manifest as love. So, in our answer, of where consent comes from, we are getting back to that big scary Truth.
So, let's say that I am love. Let's say i am exactly the love that fulfills what love is, for everyone else, as well. So, i have consent from everyone. Did I have to get their consent, by asking if I could be the person they need me to be? No. I became the person they love, and I generated the consent they will always have for someone who is who they need them to be. I didnt ask permission, and I don't have to ask permission. I didnt ask for consent. I became the person who they consent to. I made them consent. I made them do that. And, if that humiliates them, that I made them do that, too bad. They can hate me wiyu every fiber of their being and want to reject me anything, and be willing to sell their soul to stop consenting to my love, but they won't be able to overpowr themselves or me. Nothing they can do, will stop themselves from consenting to me, unless I fail. If I fail, no one has consent for that. And, no one can generate consent for me doing so.
First scary question, if it is ME that makes everyone else consent, to ME, this is going to trigger a lot of people. But, did their consent come from them? No. It came from me. Do they have consent, for anyone who is not their love? No. Because you cannot create consent, for someone who is not love. What else?
I am love, and they all consent. Can they cancel their consent, to me? No, they cannot say "No." They cannot cancel their "Yes."" Remember the Apostle Paul, if i am love, there is no non-consent, that will hold up against love. If I am love, everyone will consent, who i am the right love to. So, what is scary about this?
The person who decides that everyone will consent to me, is me. That is my privoledge. In other words, if I am love, and other people consent, they have no option to stop consenting to me. And they have no option to not consent. I am the one that determines other people's consent. Me. Me. All me. Only me.
And, if I do not have consent, then, I am not love. That's what that proves to me. I know, when I generate consent, for other people, for myself, I know what that proves about me. When other people have no consent, for me, I know what THAT proves about me.
The big scary truth, is that I am the only one who can generate other people's consent. So, imagine having zero access to sex, except masturbation, and not even have the option to access masturbation, unless you could do it, from love. Imagine having ZERO influence, and being cut out of the loop, completely no part of the process of choosing who generates your consent to them. Having no power to not consent, or stop consenting.
That is the fact of where consent comes from. Consent is just a description of the love that one person cannot survive without, and the open opportunity for anyone who embodies that love, to make their own free choice, to give themselves and to give their love, and it is their opportunity to successfully love, guaranteed success, with zero opposition, or resistance possible. I am always assuming willingness and zero resistance, and desire and appreciation. It certainly makes my life easier, knowing that I will have all 4 of those things in place, and that if those aren't there, that I'm presented with an opportunity to stop, and find something in myself that is not perfected, yet, that is not worthy of approval, that is of no value. And, having no consent, proves to me who I am, in strength, the same as having consent proves my identity to me.
That's what scares people, about where consent comes from. It's nothing you have any control over. Your consent, is created by someone else, if it is there at all.
Now that we've come full circle, and confronted, addressed, and revealed everyone's fears, and fear based arguments, let's move on.
The Bible says that God(identity) is LOVE. It doesn't say he is love, and sometimes cruel. He isn't love and sometimes a hater. His entire identity, is pure(only) LOVE, and his identity, in summary, is ALL of love. So, what God is telling us, saying that about himself, since he says we are exactly who they are, in every human who will ever live, he is saying, that, for a human, love, is where ALL of your power comes from. If you reject love, you have no high power, no low power, no power within yourself, over yourself. No power to affect or influence others.
And, if you accept that love is your identity, then, you are as powerful as the one true God. You have all power. No one else has a higher power and no one else has a power that can oppose your power. Not even 1%. You see, God says, "The earth, and everything in it, are mine." He says, "the Lord your God, is a jealous God."
What are the consequential facts, were that to be true? What he saying, is that humans are free to have as much rape sex as they possibly can, but, as far as consensual sex, all consensual sex, is Love's. The only people who have the option to have consensual sex are lovers. Because, love is God's. So, consent is God's. So, no one who is anything other than love has access to consent. Because, God keeps what is his, reserved to himself. If you love, then, you receive consent. If you do not, you can not. It is as simple as that. That is the circumstance where consent will always be available and present. Outside of all of those factors being true, humans truly are free, so, they are free to have as much non-consensual, unloving, loveless, rape sex as they can fit into the 50-100 years they exist.
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