If You Need A Witness, Be Your Own ~ Epictetus

I want to take a moment, to describe two words, that I've seen most people don't know how to define: approval, & witness. 

Let's do them in reverse order. Epictetus, was a philosopher, so, when he uses the word "witness" he is not referring to getting someone else to watch, he is talking about the noticer, in your mind. He is talking about what quantum physics calls the observer. It is the you, that lives inside of your head. It is not an eye, but, it is a watcher. It's the part of you, that feels how you feel, that sees your emotions, that feels pain, or pleasure, or intuition. 

So, when Epictetus refers to "needing a witness" he is saying, that you can't figure out what is true, or real, because you can't sense what that information is. So, you can not be the witness, because you have a blind spot, or you are blind. Or senseless, numb, in shock, unintelligent, inexperienced. It could be a million reasons. 

But, what Epictetus is saying, is that if you can't see what is real, no one else can show you something you cannot see. So, he is saying, when you allow other ppl to tell you what is real and true, they will not be able to tell you anything you don't already know. And they won't be able to tell you anything you don't know. And they won't be able to tell you anything new. That is what he means, by seeking approval. 

When one human doesn't know what is real, they often present themselves to someone who they think knows, and they will present themselves, to be approved, but, the approval they want, comes in the form of telling them what they don't know. 

So, it has to do with, "if you find yourself letting someone else tell you what is true, know that you are compromised." As in, if you don't know what is real, you can't judge whether what the other person is saying is true or false. Because you don't know what is real.

Let's talk about approval, now, and what Epictetus is saying, by defining how philosophers use this word, so we can identify how he is using this word.

When philosophy looks at the ways humans use approval, they look very broadly, at the way humans come to agreement. He is NOT talking about someone else to appreciate you, and make you feel like a good person. 

He is talking about agreements about everything. So, we are back, at the question, of whether or not you know what is real, and true. Because, the least types of agreements are about people, and the largest group of agreements, are about things. 

So, when he is talking about seeking approval, I may tell you something that is a fact. And, if you identify the same thing, as fact, yourself, then, we have formed an agreement. I will also approve of you, as a person, for the fact I now know that you know things. I approve of realistic ppl who know alot. I strongly disapprove of ppl who don't know what is real. 

And again, the approval is a consequence. But, the main issue, is how humans relate to each other, about reality, and truth. 

You see, the agreement, is about the thing. And, for realistic people, before they ever meet you, they have a million agreements, and they are all made, between themselves, and reality. So, the agreement of a realistic person, is that reality always reveals what it is, and, that i allow the thing to dictate all of my beliefs about it. That's my agreement. 

In fact, I don't form any beliefs at a, about anything. To speak more clearly, I sense what things are. And, as far as belief, I let the thing speak for itself. So, since my agreement is that everything reveals itself, I don't tell other people what to believe, and I don't tell other people what is real, and true, because if they don't already know, I can't help. 

So, if I tell you what a thing is, I'm testing to see IF you are realistic as well. I'm testing you, to see how realistic you are. I am testing you, to see how accurate your worldview is. I am testing you, to see if your knowledge is valid.(true) It's all a test. 

And, if you can't prove to me that you see what I see, the way I see it, then, you're proven to be unrealistic, probably dishonest, likely insane. Because I am the opposite. And everyone who is healthy, honest, rational, and clear minded, could sit down with me, and we could agree about thousands and thousands of things and learn we share the same view. We allow the thing, to speak for itself. And form no beliefs, or opinions, that block us from seeing.

Validation. Validation, is where you tell me what you believe is true, and if I'm convinced of the same conclusion, then, I validate you. I approve. Your conclusion is correct. Your sense of things, is true. Validating, means that I can confirm that your beliefs are accurate, true. And that they match what is observable. That means good things about the quality of your thinking. Obviously, I am extremely intelligent. And I know how smart you have to be, to realize each fact. 

What level of truth ppl agree with, when I state it, allows me to test, and sus out exactly who people are. If you get validated by me, your perception of truth and reality is par excellence. It's perfect. Being confirmed, by me, is powerful stuff.

So, Epictetus is not actually making two different statements. Although the new paragraph may fool you. He is actually saying the exact same thing, twice. 

First, he says, that if you seek outside approval, that you are compromised. In philosophy, compromised, means failed, and handicapped, and disabled. It means broken. Blind. Insensate(out of body. Divorced from the senses. Can't feel anything. Broken)

What he is saying, is that if you can not sense what is true, then, you can not sense what is true, and nobody else will be able to fix that for you. There is nothing else to be done about it. Thats done.

 You are unable to realize, or identify truth. Accepted. Noted. Let's move on.

 So, don't even waste your time, trying t0 get someone else to tell you what you can't see. Because if you can't see it, on your own, no one else can show you what you can't see. 

You see? He's saying work with what you have. Don't involve other ppl. Because no one can give you what you don't already have. 

Going back to the 2nd paragraph, where he says the same thing as the first paragraph, using different words that have the same definition. 

"If you need a witness...."  means, that you don't know what is real. You can't sense it. You can't investigate it. You're blocked. You can't learn it. You can't identify it. You have no angle to get a view by. You have no ability to witness. Your witness doesn't know how to see. Ok. So, it's about what you do not know, about everything that is real. Think broad. Everything. 

So, it's the same thing as he first said. Your mind doesn't know what's there. You have no way to interpret what you are seeing. In the first paragraph, he stated, in this scenario, no one else can show you what you are blind to. 

In the second paragraph, he is saying, that you can figure it out. You can find a way to see. Only you can do this work. No one else can do it for you. But, you CAN figure it out, on your own, but, everyone has to figure it out on their own, and at no point in time has anyone ever shown anyone else something new. Ever. Never.  

Ok, so, obviously, the average person thinks of approval. And they think of romance, and kindness, instead of agreeing to let the facts be the facts. They don't think about sensing everything, and believing everything is what it is. But, Epictetus is not talking about your meet-cute twin flame. He is talking about the way you interpret the entire universe, and everything in it. And whether or not your data match the facts. 

He's saying if you're wrong, in what you assume it is, only you can correct yourself. He's saying if you are blind, only you can make it possible for you to see. He's talking about the entire universe, and whether you are grounded, and realistic, or insane, & idealistic. 

If you are looking for external approval (someone to tell you what is true, & real) that cannot happen, because you are the one who cannot sense what is real/true, and it doesn't matter how many ppl try to help you, they cannot tell you anything other than what you already know. And so, no one else can ever be a help, in what you don't know. (Maybe pity you, or feel bad with you, but that's the limit.)

And, if you need a witness, (if you need to know what is real/true) be your own (do what you need to do, and don't ask for help or allow others to influence you, because it is about you learning how to learn, far Moreso than it is about the value of awareness of the facts.

So, hope this helps you. Obviously, 99.999% of people read epictetus, and absolutely do not identify anything he is saying, because they use their ultra-specific, incorrect interpretations of his words, and never ask themselves, if those words have a broader definition.  
