
You may believe, as the fearful, delusional people do, that mind-control, is a major risk. You might have a habit of using rage, as an automatic reaction, to commands, and assertions, to hedge your bets, just in case that's a power and control loss.

If you're quite a bit more intelligent, the focus of your attention may have evolved, as high as being paranoid, about all value statements. Other people tell you what they like, and you ctrl-alt-del that, and cancel them, because, you think that you are vulnerable to influencing, based on language that expresses likes or dislikes. 

Your paranoid psychosis may be fixated on cultural programming. You watched your first rom com, and ever since then, anytime a scenario evolves that looks or feels anything similar, you get all stiff and numb because you think the source of inauthenticity is that cultures program role play so thoroughly that anyone could fake their way through marriage, kids, and death, with enough cinema, and "girls nights" under their belt.

The next greatest source of mind control that causes inauthenticity that is not on ANYONE'S radar, is people making promises, and people describing what happened. Every single action, has an quality of character attached.. so, this unconscious language of mind control, is actually people abusing descriptions of events, to reduce or Blackmail each other's self-esteem.

But, the greatest greatest cause of inauthenticity, that you'll probably never guess in a million years, is actually what people say about themselves. Because, the unconscious mind is most influenced by statements that seem true. And, whatever other people say about themselves, if you can be deceived, and aren't self-aware, then, you don't know that the unconscious mind automatically adopts any true seeming statement and integrates it into the self-concept. So, when other pepple are saying who they are, they may be mind-controlling who you decide to become.

You see, the subconscious, unconscious, is MOST vulnerable to direct programming, by the most indirect route. You may believe that you are hearing others say who they are. But that is exactly why you are most exploitable and programmable by other ppl's self-commenrary, because you think they are saying who you are, but your unconscious mind is re-writing it's definitions of what a human is.

Humans are funny. Their worst fear will never come true. And, their mis-en-scene of greatest arrogance, and incaution is the only one that can seed their downfall.

The beliefs, that form, because of words, stand as a hard barrier, between people and themselves. You see, humans do not decide their identity and any belief about self blocks the true self from emerging. From activation. 

Ppl don't like the fact that identity is not theirs to choose. Ppl don't like the fact that identity is theirs to discover. So, the greatest source of an identity deficit is someone who fears what they will find out, so, they put their identity on pause, in order to fake a choice. That's where your vulnerability lies. In thinking you have the power to decide who you are. And if you feel powerlessness, instead of curiosity, surrounding the concept of always having to find out. 

There's no driver's seat, in the human being. It doesn't exist. We show up, to find out what it means to be human. We live an entire life watching ourselves, and that shows us who we are. We exist, to enjoy the ride, and the ride exists to keep itself a secret, so as to ensure surprise 
