Objective Reality

Marcus Aurelius, was famously quoted as saying, "Everything is perception." 

That statement, obviously, is crafted to confront evil people. Because, the core error that they make, is that they refuse to identify that all of their access to reality, is through themself.

However, for others, this statement is merely a trigger of a far more truthful examination of reality. For me, the existence of an objective reality, was first a matter of assumption, before it could become a matter of observation. 

However, I arrived at the proof for the existence of an objective reality, very simply. And I'll approach this, from two logical assertions, and one presupposition.

Firstly, the pre-supposition. This absolute non-negotiable assumed fact, is that every human can create any universe of belief, however they do, and, live in it. In fact, their private creation doesn't have to include anyone but them. Maybe only they exist, in their private cosmos of belief. And, for them, that is true. That is the truth. 

You say, but, what about other people? That person exists in other people's universe. And, the answer, is simple. They exist in other people's perceptions. But, that does not change the fact that they can also exist alone, in their creation, if that is how they have created it. 

Now, let's use deduction. Since the universe doesn't exist, until each person creates their own, ..Ok, since that scenario is POSSIBLE .. then, we can use deduction, to say that the probability of 2 human beings creating the same anything, is zero. 

So, each person somehow is able to divorce themselves into a universe of their own creation, that doesn't intersect with, or include anyone else. They can do that. 

And, the likelihood of two people arriving at creating, earth, for example, separately, is zero. Welcome to deductive logic, by the way. If you're not familiar. Deduction always factors for infinity. So, as I was saying, since there are an infinitely large number of ways to create a universe, two completely separated creators, creating the exact same thing, has a probability(chances of occuring) 1 in infinite times, which gives us an answer of 0. 

It can occur once, and then an infinite number of creations have to occur, and then, it will occur again. It's the same deductive probability (likelihood of possibility) that monkeys typing randomly, on keyboards, in a long enough time span, eventually, one of them will write the Bible. Or the dictionary. 

So that's the first logic. Many humans can and so create their own cosmos, where only they exist. And even though other people can see them, and SEEM to interact with them, the truth is, that person exists in their creation, they are alone, and in that creation, no interaction took place. No one else appeared.

So, it is not possible for THAT to occur. So, using deductive logic, we can say it is impossible for that to occur. So, all previous statements remaining true, and agreed upon, there is only one possible way for that to occur, and that is that there is an objective reality. And, one of it's primary functions, is that it supports humans to create their own universe, that exists, discretely(fully separated. Inaccessible). 

That's the first and second method of solving for the existence of an objective reality. Humans could not create their subjective reality, without an objective reality that allows humans to create their own private cosmos. And, 2ndly, since some reality does exist, that enables, and even requires all humans to create their universe, or, their universe, plus The Universe, then, that unconditionally supportive, unconditionally enabling, objective reality MUST exist, already, otherwise, the chances of two humans creating a universe that even exists inside the same dimension, is zero.

So, that's how you arrive at the existence of God. And, after you integrate all of that logic, and assume what MUST be, that cannot be any other way, then you can learn the infinitely valuable truth that Marcus Aurelius was implying, and testing to see who else knew it. Which is that, even though you only have your own perception, your own perception is bpundaryless and borderlands and has full access to everything real, Unreal, 794th dimension, paint world, it doesn't matter, it's all there. 

So, now you accept that, you ask, why does God create a universe where every being creates their own universe first, by default. What's with this whole universe full of universes, and universes within universes all about? What's the purpose? The function? The reason? The motive?

Well, to answer that, we can't turn nationally revered turn of the century mystic, Neville Goddard,  who was mentored into realizing Truth, by the ancient Jewish love cult, still operational in his time, the Essenes.

Neville Goddard pointed out, that in all of God's creation, there is only one rule, that God obeys. Do you know the one rule, that results in all of this? 

It's also very simple. NO OBLIGATION. Obligation, refers to debt. Or, requirements. God's rule, for himself, and all he gives, is that, in everything HE creates, obligation cannot be possible. No one can even take something from Him, and use it to force anything on anyone. What people do, WITH freedom, is on them. 

But, everyone creates their own reality, so that no one is obligated(forced, required) to know God. Everyone creates their reality, without a God in it, probably, but not always. But the point is, no one HAS to include what is true. You can work your way to figuring out what is true, but, God has arranged his creation, so that, whoever you are, The Truth will NEVER be forced on you. You can study it if you want and it will reveal itself, if you desire, but, otherwise. It keeps itself the best kept secret. So that no one is forced. So that everyone is free, guaranteed. THAT , IS WHY, ALL THAT. 

So, you see, you are not separated from God. And, God does not exist somewhere else. GOD, and all those who love, keep themselves a secret. And the reason for that, is so that I can absolutely love everyone, and I can give everyone everything, including myself,  and I can do it in such a way, that it makes it impossible for anyone to ever pay me back.

Do you understand obligations now? To have no obligations, and still be loved, is a ONE WAY VALUE TRANSFER.
