Consolations (For not Having a Horse-Sized Cock)

"All porn is revenge porn."

All insult, is defused, by better understanding the context, where the insult exists. In other words, if you knew everything there was to know, you wouldn't be insulted, everyone who is insulting would be insulted, and, you would not partake.

So, let's see if that statement holds any water, in the issue of penis size. You might be jealous, and envious, for example. The average penis size, in North America, is 5.5 inches. However, If you watch porn, with zero exceptions, there are a grand total, of zero men, consuming unlimited amounts of sex, who are any less than 10", in size. And, we are only talking about porn stars. However, if you broaden the search, to include amateurs, the minimum size, doesn't go any lower. 

So, you may be tempted, to make an invalid comparison. Invalid, means, not valid. For example, you cannot compared a Ford, to a Lamborghini. That's an invalid comparison. The value of the Lamborghini, exists in completely different categories, and qualities, and aesthetics. Whereas the value of a Ford, is qualified and quantified and measurable, in the category of utility values.

If you compare yourself, to these men consuming unlimited quantities of pleasure, that is an invalid comparison. The giant horse cock, falls squarely in the category of a Ford. It's only valued, as compared to it's utility value. Whereas, all of the higher, greater values, that cause pleasure, such as joy, excitement, enthusiasm, etc, those are aesthetic values. And, once you give it a proper good think, you would remember, that the aesthetic sources of pleasure, supply the most intense pleasures. 

In other words, because women only value large penises for their utility value, the sex that those two have, destroys both of them, in every other aspect of their being. And, you have to know these men and women intimately, to have learned that even tho she is screaming "your cock is so amazing" the ACTUAL communication,  is, " YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY WORTHLESS!" 

(As a person. In summary.) ....because people are hypercars, and never Ford's. So, if you hop in a Lamborghini, and you only use it for your commute, that is an insult to both your car and a humiliation of your person....for getting so little value out of the usage.

If you only derive physical pleasure from sex, you're a low-life loser, and you should probably do that where no one else will ever find that out. So save yourself the public humiliation and shame, and outting yourself.

Reward, and award, are a function of who you are. Now, if you truly want to never again compare yourself, positively, or negatively, on the basis of penis size, you merely need to acknowledge one simple fact. Both women and men, get hyper-car category pleasures, based on the desireability of the woman.

So, when you truly truly truly think about it, there are about as many women who stay desireable, past age 16, as there are men with giant horse cocks. Its roughly about the same number. And, like I said, women's desireability, or, attractiveness, is the TRUE factor, the dominant factor, in whether or not both partners experience intense pleasure, in the award, and reward category. The "Because of who I am" category. 

In other words, sex with an older woman, has limited returns for everyone. In fact, if you knew anything about women at all, you would know that women who have experienced giant horse cocks, have experienced just as much scarcity as you have. And, if they were past 18, all but 1% of those women couldn't even pay the guy with the giant cock to fuck them, because, suffering scarcity, has reduced her estimation of the value of her personal so extremely low, that the sex act, for ANY partner, with anyone, with her, has moved from the category of desireable, to repulsive. 

So, you see, when a woman next projects that sex is repulsive to her, make sure to correctly identify that that is not about you. It's about how repulsive partnering with her would be. Do NOT blame the fact the sex act, with her, would be repulsive, on anything to do with you. You see, once you understand the secret history, you would not be offend able. You would understand it has nothing to do with you. So, you would not partake in offendedness. You would understand, that ALL women, not just eastern European, get fat, ugly and unfuckable. Think about it. How many women could get you to give a wordless fuck?  Solely on the basis. Of her desireability? There's a reason she can't command that. 

And, so you see, you're not the one who "doesn't get to" as long as you don't want what no one can have.....what no one is having....what is available to no one.....
