
So, I've got this guy, and, he's the most insulting person I've ever met, so, I've asked him to really think about it, and tell me, where, (else, or anywhere) in his life, he has had the power to tell someone who they are? Outside of insulting me, when has he told anyone who they are, successfully?

The answer, of course, is never, nowhere, and not at all, and, not any amount. So, I'm asking him, in the moment that he insults me, in the moment that he said that insult, where is his attention? Always? Who is he looking at, when the word, "Jerk" is said? And, the answer to that question, obviously, is, himself. It's obvious to everyone who isn't blind and everyone who isn't him. He's always looking at himself, when the insult is being generated, in fact his words are aimed at himself.

And you know what? He'a wrong! He's wrong about himself! He's not a jerk. He's an idiot. He can't even tell himself who he is, successfully, without failing completely. What hope can he possibly have, of describing someone else? 🤣😅 

He's an absolute, total idiot, which is something entirely different; idiot refers to someone who doesn't know what is true, who doesn't know what is real, who isn't accomplishing, or, doing, what they think they're doing. (A jerk could actually hurt someone. And, he doesn't have that power.)

You see, relationships, are what exists inside of yourself, or, maybe you fail to draw the obvious line between the obvious dots, like John doesn't, and so, it's iffy, whether we can say you relate to yourself, or not.

But, if you have all of your relationships within yourself working, and you know pretty much everything, about yourself, then, you can participate in being social.  Because, what you have, between you, and other people, is a relay-tionship. A relay, in electronics, represents a line. For example, the cord, that connects my guitar, to my amplifier. That's a relay. The amp provides power to the guitar, via the line, and, my guitar changes the quality of the power, to create a signal, which, the amplifier amplifies. That's an example, of a closed-circuit relay. But, at minimum, a relay, is like the power lines that deliver electricity to your house. It's a way of moving your energy, away from yourself,

 A social example, would be communication. I can use communication, as a relay. I can relay information, from me, to someone else. And, if I'm good at listening, and observing, then, everyone else can tell me things about themself.

Have you noticed something, in this post so far? What have I ridiculed? What have I done? You can take everything written in this post, and you can identify what i said.

"In my relationship, to myself, I have noticed, It is true, of me, that _________" And, when I make comments about other people, I am saying "In some ways, every human being is the same. Based on that observation, and, from knowing myself, really well, I feel confident stating that ______.(we are all like this)" You see, all of my statements, are either statements about myself, or, they are statements backed by my knowledge of myself.

 I NEVER speak anything, other than these two forms of messages. Because, I know that my relationship to other people, is not a relationship of cause=effect, it is one of affect=influence. And so, my primary concern, is, what am I saying about myself? And, I'm asking myself the question, do I know myself well enough, to correctly identify the same things when they are true of anyone else? And, I know, once I know everything that is true of me, I'll know everything that is true of everyone. And, on that basis, I will be able to identify the lies, and prove what is a lie, to anyone present.  But, even when I speak of things outside myself, my message is still about who I am. Because, what I'm saying, is that, "I'm someone who can positively identify ________ accurately." And, my main concern, is whether or not that is true. Can I positively identify, accurately? 

I make damn sure i can, before I open my mouth. Because, I care about my relationship to the truth, of who I am, and, I take care of my relationship to the truth.
