Story-Telling Within The Story (Unreality Within the Realities)

There are two possible degrees of separation, between a human being, and reality. 

1. Childhood impressions created in the absence of fear, in confidence, can give a child an impression of reality. However, if they are in a state of fear, without confidence, then, the impression they gather has no information about reality within it. Impressions, are how Childish minds realize the truth about reality, and, whatever has been realized, can be identified every future time that reality manifests. With no impression of the manifestation, the manifestation cannot be realized. This is the first degree. You can not know what you do not know of.

2. Second degree of separation, depends on what they came to believe about communication. If they believe that words have creative power,  instead of what they actually have, which is descriptive power, then, they only use words to cancel out the truth-telling of their victims, and surround their victims with so many lies that their victim's story remains unknown, and disbelieved, cancelled etc. You can't tell them anything about anything because they immediately generate a narrative that cancels you, and the simple facts you relate. Words mean nothing to them, so, that becomes the second hard and fast barrier standing between them, and reality. 
