
Persistence of "More"

There is a cultural narrative that is constantly being told, about the myth of "more" and it is not just persistent, because of the made up story-telling, it is re-inforced, by how pepple give themselves away, & it is enforced, as abuse of everyone who doesn't fulfill, or, participate. If you look at people as the unique individual they are, and you compare the value-add that relationship is artificially normalized at,  to benefit received, you'll notice that the only take-away value that is transfered is maturity, or, evolution, or growth. In one word: learning.  So, you come to the conclusion, like I have, that, if relationship isn't triggering growth, it's not just worthless, it's net(subtract cost from profit) is suffering. Relationship causes suffering, once you subtract pain from pleasure, not only is there no reason to interact, there's every reason to become unknowable, unknown, and as invisible and unreachable as possible. Every twelve ste


People become aware of the scientific, therapeutic, diagnostic word "trigger" either because of an out of control partner, or, a desire to gain better (toxic) control of a partner.(abuse better)  However, triggers don't just suddenly exist, when someone needs to get angry or got angry. If you want to be empowered by your exploration of the issue, and, you don't want to lose power, due to confusion, you have to understand that the universe, and everything in it, that you would define as action, activity, interaction, or motion, all exists because of triggers.  Everything that Is active, in your body, takes place, because, first, there was a trigger. There's a trigger, and sometimes the trigger is a force and sometimes the trigger unleashes a force, but, either way,  I would strongly advise you to either exclude the topic, or, if you are going to adopt the concept, and use it, then, apply it correctly: everywhere, all the time, to everything.  You CANNOT take someth

Peak Beauty

I don't really give a fuck who got themselves off, rubbing bodies with you. If you have never made someone else cry, because of your beauty, that IS a trustworthy measure of worth; you haven't peaked, yet.

Where Rape is Sourced

If you go back, in history, in the memories of every single violent person, as a child, there was a moment when they worshipped(like a god) someone who was violating them. So, you need to understand that the later violence doesn't happen when it happens, except for the victim Inside of the abuser, they are Just returning to that addictive blend, of sensation, and glory, and they don't care what they have to do, to whom, to get back there. They are lost and gone, interrupted by the past, from first being triggered by the opportunity every single non-violent person is.

Objective Reality

Marcus Aurelius, was famously quoted as saying, "Everything is perception."  That statement, obviously, is crafted to confront evil people. Because, the core error that they make, is that they refuse to identify that all of their access to reality, is through themself. However, for others, this statement is merely a trigger of a far more truthful examination of reality. For me, the existence of an objective reality, was first a matter of assumption, before it could become a matter of observation.  However, I arrived at the proof for the existence of an objective reality, very simply. And I'll approach this, from two logical assertions, and one presupposition. Firstly, the pre-supposition. This absolute non-negotiable assumed fact, is that every human can create any universe of belief, however they do, and, live in it. In fact, their private creation doesn't have to include anyone but them. Maybe only they exist, in their private cosmos of belief. And, for them, that i

What Women Want

EINSTEIN: Truth, then, or Beauty is not independent of Man? TAGORE: No. EINSTEIN: If there would be no human beings any more, the Apollo of Belvedere would no longer be beautiful. TAGORE: No.(She would not be) EINSTEIN: I agree with regard to this conception of Beauty

Levels of Agreement

I'm going to talk about levels, or, qualities, or types of agreements.  In order to discuss agreements, i have to first explain integrity, which is the personal characteristic, that creates the content that each person can agree with others upon.  Anti-virus protections, in the computer operating systems will be the analogy I use, to detail how human integrity works.  So, in a computer operating system, penetration points are varied, however, once access is gained, the user is operating as System, and the 2nd stage, is what I call a "pivot." They interrupt self-monitoring, and integrity checks, and file system monitoring, in order to modify system files. A permanent hack, always involves modified system files. However, if the user gains access as system, it is System that monitors the integrity of System files, System blocks changes to System files. So, you can now understand the problem. Because, a truly effective anti-virus, would have to run a daemon(program) that cons

Supremacy, in Abuse

I'm a man, and, I was sex trafficked, for a decade, to provide a "husband experience" to the local gang's best performing prostitute, then, the local mafia fag's daughter, then, to the national mafia's most powerful witch.  They use a combination of witchcraft, & ultra high-tech to do their gangstalking. But, don't choose to get excited assuming that's good, because they're all infantile jerk-offs, suffering arrested development thar started when they were two years old. So, giving them that, in practice, looks exactly like that YouTube video, with the 9 year old boys who are racing million dollar Ferrari on a professional track. It's outrageously stupifying, but, you can't tear your eyes away because, you want to, but you've never seen charred shrimp. They were ready for me to give them the cum shot, at age 38, after it had been going on, for about 9 years, so, they told me I was their target for that, because I was pre-verbal auti

If You Need A Witness, Be Your Own ~ Epictetus

I want to take a moment, to describe two words, that I've seen most people don't know how to define: approval, & witness.  Let's do them in reverse order. Epictetus, was a philosopher, so, when he uses the word "witness" he is not referring to getting someone else to watch, he is talking about the noticer, in your mind. He is talking about what quantum physics calls the observer. It is the you, that lives inside of your head. It is not an eye, but, it is a watcher. It's the part of you, that feels how you feel, that sees your emotions, that feels pain, or pleasure, or intuition.  So, when Epictetus refers to "needing a witness" he is saying, that you can't figure out what is true, or real, because you can't sense what that information is. So, you can not be the witness, because you have a blind spot, or you are blind. Or senseless, numb, in shock, unintelligent, inexperienced. It could be a million reasons.  But, what Epictetu

The Same, In Return, VS. Fair

I'm going to discuss giving everyone what they give, back to them, exactly as given, as a lifestyle choice, that applies to every single value transfer, and every single interaction. Never play fair. Life isn't fair, because abusers don't have the option to stop themselves. And ppl who are good to you, want to see your success. That is how you spend what they gave, by making yourself worthy of the gift, you make it worth their time, so they don't regret it, and feel like a failure. play: "The same, in return." The same, returned, does not ONLY mean "an eye for an eye" even though, revenge and violation and the pain they cause, is the only thing that will empower an abuser with a choice. The same, in return, is difficult for people, because it means what others give you, you owe them, the same back, as far as love, freedom, empowerment, support..... you see?  The positives? Love is a free gift, from me, BUT THE PPL I GIVE IT TO, OWE ME THE SAME, IN RE

How Abusers Look (To The Victim)

The core truth about all abusers, setting aside what happens between them, and their victim completely, they are a self-betraying, personal desire ignoring, self-empowerment denying victim, THEMSELVES. You know, they get high, if they can block your use of your personal power, and that's the experience they define as personal power. But, they never do what they want, and they have never committed to use their personal power in their life. So, a nasty little trick, just between you and me, if you command an abusive person to do what they want, (if that's truly what they want) then, they will trigger, and do exactly as you say, when you say, how you say. Because they're so starved, in their wants, they won't be able to stop themselves. And, if you arrange for a little theater, just right, they may confuse you for a God, and worship "your"(their) power to command(trigger). Hahaha  Like I said, if you're a victim, and you need a little comic relief, to break t

Consent Is Not Negotiable (it's an event)

Of course, consent is not negotiable. I don't think the Feminists like to hear that. Because they want to be able to rape themselves if it's profitable, and access sex at anytime, with anyone, and not have to suffer waiting for, and being restricted only to someone who makes their yes for them. But, consent is negotiable, in the sense, of navigation. You have to be able to notice, if you don't consent, and make sex impossible. You have to notice if you're consenting, and be able to find out who did that to you. You have to be consenting, and know how to see if it's one way. You have to be able to talk your way through a mutual confirmation process. "Yes, and yes, I'm self-aware. And it's for you."  Ppl are broken, in the head. For example, you have to ask for consent, for everything, yes? But, logically, that means you have to ask for consent, to ask for consent. Yes? Yes! You have to ask if you can ask.   So, ppl look at that little puzzle, and th

I Am Inevitable

Lord of Xibalba: "First Father sacrificed himself for the Tree of Life. Enter in, and join His fate." ~ The Fountain 2006