Negotiating Consent

The issue of consent, doesn't begin with asking for consent. 

The beginning of consent, is leaving everyone else the fuck alone, by having your own thing going that doesn't involve anyone else, that you can do on your own. 

If you are always doing your own thing, and don't need anything, and never assume anything, by starting anything, that you haven't asked for, then, you are allowing everyone to do their own thing, freely, and giving everyone else the freedom to be doing their own thing, uninterupted, and doing your own thing, so that no one else is forced to stop what they are doing, and deal with you? 

That is the opening negotiation of consent. Everyone else is free to ignore the fuck out of you and reject you, and do whatever the fuck THEY want, regardless of you. No obligation, is the value system, that consent can be built upon. So, if you want a free choice yourself, get busy learning to leave everyone the fuck alone. No one else is free until they don't have to do anything for you, or because of you. Become independent. That's round one.

It's an anti-social move. Yes. However, no one is free, if a relationship is assumed. So, anti-social, is PERFECT for guaranteeing you start with just yourself, and leave everyone else the fuck alone. That's freedom. And, it has to be established, first, prior to asking for anything. No one owes anyone else anything. Not even one second of the day.
