That's Giving

Attention, of course, is the first gift of yourself. The negotiation of a marriage, for example, everything else will sort itself out, if two people agree, to give all of their attention, to their partner, when their attention is being sought. 

Attention, is so much more than what your eyes see. Where you focus, and hold your attention, you have not just created an opportunity to see something, or let something be seen, you have actually given yours whole self, completely, on every level, because, the most you part of you, is the you that lives inside your head. The witness, and what is witnessed, are one.

Elkhart Tolle calls that part of the mind the observer. Quantum physics calls it the observer. It is not an eye in your mind, so, don't compare yourself to what any union, masons or otherwise, visually places atop a pyramid. A truly excellent therapist, may call that truest part, that is you a "Noticer."

 Because, that is the part of you, that notices everything. I would call that part the unity. Or, the union. Because that is also the part of you that chooses the content you wish to experience, and causes that content to happen. That part of you, is not just a a receiver, that receives signals of pleasure, pain, stress, & relief. It is also a creator. And your point of manifesting everything you have, or will ever feel.

It is a marriage maker, because, what your attention rests on, you are one with. The noticer, or observer, that is the you, inside your mind, is a union, of yourself given, and everything that you have given your attention to, you are one with. That is how come you can be alone, and then you can "tune in" to someone else. And start to identify things about them, as well. Because, intuition has a handshaking process, of attention sought, and attention given. And then, two, as one.

Anyway, of the 3 pictures I attached to this post, one is the house I lived at, in 2005. One is a close-up, of where I used to sit, on the porch. And the third, Is a line of sight, kitty corner to my house. And, my stalker/rapist/abuser had taken up renting a house behind the house you see, to prostitute from. 

And, first, before my story, about me. I give my attention to anyone who is seeking me out, or thinking of me. I give my attention, without excluding anyone, under any conditions. So, if others try to look at me, I always end up seeing them first, because I do what I want, sooner than anyone i know, so, I get there faster, no matter who is doing the wanting. She used to sneak between the houses behind her, where she used to emerge, just to stand, and stalk me. 

I don't post this shit with any personal identifiers, because, she's committed to her stalking, and believing she is subtle, and can't be seen, but, I connect with anyone who seeks me out, and I usually know before other people realize it. To them, it will have to build a while, because they like to hold out on themselves until their desire bullies them into action, but, I don't withold attention, and I don't reject what is desired, so, I am tuned into everyone who is tuned into me. 

I don't want her to feel like a bad stalker. I want her to feel like a successful one. But, no one looks at me, except I see them first. So, she no one can stalk me. It's impossible. I become aware of others, the second they become aware of me. And I download their state of being, and location, and intent and desires, because, I'm like that. I have no fear of anyone, and I'm curious. So I like to know who knows me. So, I connect, in a time when no one else can possibly know they're connecting to me. I get there first. So, you cannot stalk me. But I don't want her to feel powerless and failed, so, here we are, nice and private like, right where she'll never find the truth.

 No one sees me, without me identifying them first. Other people are late to tune in, and reject each other, and they feel it's a loss of power and control, to allow their attention to go to others when others desire attention. Others feel it's humiliating, to allow others attention to direct their own. So, they never really get to know each other. I have no such handicaps
So, I alwsys saw her, right as she emerged between the houses, I made sure to not look like I noticed anything, as i was coming into sight, for her. And I sat there, and allowed her to connect to me. And to watch and take me in, and feel connected and give herself, and I allowed her to feel like she is part of something. I allowed her to look.
