Let's "Negotiate" Freedom(don't have to)

Let's negotiate freedom, in communication. I use the word "negotiate" in the original definition, which does not refer to bartering, contracting, buying or selling. It is defined as navigating treacherous waters, if it's marine navigation. The implication being, like a river, only someone who can navigate, knows the one path that does not ground the boat, on sandbanks,  shoals, the absence of a channel, shallows, etc. Or, how only the Captain, on international faring traders, knew how to use a sextant to determine their position on the globe. Hence, only he knew which exact angle of the compass to aim at. 

The word navigation, describes both a hard, difficult journey, with infinite danger, and it also describes having a destination, that makes the journey profitable. 

So, when we discuss freedom, the destination, that one navigates TOWARDS, 50 times a day, maybe 200 times a day, never fully arriving, with all parts, at the end realization(humans aim at truths. They must investigate what is true, and discover proof. Motivation and reason doesn't create goals) the goal we aim at, is no one having to do anything. No one owing anyone anything. No one owes anything. No debts(loss of relationship conditions) 

So, the way this end stage is described, is the word "Establish." In other words, many times through the day, your people, and others, will feel forced, for whatever reason, and so, freedom must be established. And the navigation of establishing freedom, in communication, is that you literally say, to the person who feels forced, or pressured, or intimidated, or who fears loss: "You don't have to say anything." (You don't owe anyone anything." And then you need to tell them, "We can wrap this up, and be done, right now"....

The first statement opens the negotiations. And, if you shut up, and end the conversation, after the second statement, that is the proof that was offered is already given. 99% of the people you meet, do not know what any of their fears are. They will not identify their fear cannot come true. They will not identify you stating it is so.

So, the way to communicate to those people, is for it to be true. If you want to check your memories, and see if you set other pepple free, there is a very simple investigation you can make. First off, do you live a life, where no one owes you a single word? That is the first reality maker. Do you live, in such a way that no one has to speak to you, ever?? And, since communication is a circular pattern, have you lived a life, where you were no less happy, without saying or hearing anything? Because, to set people free. To not have tobspeak, also requires you to not speak to them. To not say a thing or need to sat a thing. 

Do you have feelings about words? If so, you have never set anyone free to not speak. Because you are not owed being listened to, or heard, the truth i want you to test yourself by, and see if it matches who you are, is that if no one owed you listening to you, and no one owed you a word, then, you would know it because you have no feelings attached to speaking. You have no emotions attached to words. That is the proof that you set everyone you know, including yourself, free to not have to.

Back to my scenario, the proof the other doesn't have to, will be that you're already doing your thing, and you're totally happy doing it. If that is 💯 true, of what you do, to negotiate someone's fear, is go back to no communication, happily, then, your doing just as well without communication, as with, is what communicates to them, that their fears are invalid. Youre proving their fears wrong, if they lose nothing, & risk nothing, not speaking. And, you're proving their concerns are invalid, if they they risk nothing, and lose nothing, leaving anything unsaid.. 
